Friday, September 11, 2009


Optimism is a core value we hold at Sunny Hills Services. It is something that we bring to every facet of our work. For us, optimism is equal parts hope, hard work, consistency, and a relentless commitment to helping young people realize their full potential.

At Sunny Hills, our youth come to us with enormous challenges. Life hasn’t always been fair to them. Their young lives have been scarred by the impact of abuse or neglect, poverty or violence, family instability or loss, mental illness or substance abuse, or some combination thereof. Others simply feel different. They may learn differently or relate differently. On the whole, these youth are struggling to thrive. But through our caring staff, we nurture their growth so that, step-by-step, they begin to heal and reclaim their lives.

Optimism is the fuel that drives our work. We see the tremendous distances our youth travel as they confront their challenges and begin to turn their lives around. We know the incredible resilience it takes for them to hold onto hope and not give up. When a child is able to make their first friend, read their first book, meet their father for the first time in their life, identify a feeling….we take none of these for granted. We recognize the potential these moments represent, and celebrate each one.

We approach each day, each young person, each moment with the level of energy and attention it deserves. We embrace high expectations. This doesn’t mean that failure eludes us. It doesn’t mean that our kids don’t experience setbacks. We all do. This is a natural part of life. Just as we do as an agency, we help our young people to reflect on their actions and what they could do differently. This is how we learn. And it is a continuous process.

Our journey is long. Over the arc of our experience, we have demonstrated a commitment to helping all children realize better and brighter futures. We show up every day. For our children. For their families. For our community.

The children and families we serve depend on us, and they continually inspire us to do more.

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